What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a thick band of fibrous tissue that stretches along the sole of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. It acts as a ligament, providing crucial support for the arch and absorbing shock during activities like walking and running.

Repeated stress or overuse of the plantar fascia can lead to micro-tears or inflammation within the tissue. This inflammation manifests as the primary symptom of plantar fasciitis: pain in the heel, often most severe with the first steps in the morning or after periods of rest.

“One of the most common things I see as a podiatrist is plantar fasciitis and heel pain. And plantar fasciitis that is the inflammation of the plantar fascia.” - Dr. McCarty

Common symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Foot and Ankle Specialist San Antonio | Foot Surgeon
  • Sharp heel pain: This is the most common symptom, often worse in the mornings, after prolonged standing, or with activity.

  • Heel stiffness: This can be especially noticeable upon waking or after inactivity.

  • Activity-related pain: Pain may improve slightly with light activity but worsens with prolonged weight-bearing.

  • Tenderness: The area where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel can be tender to the touch.

  • Mild swelling (less common): Some individuals may experience minor swelling around the affected area.

Effective Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis Relief

Plantar fasciitis pain can be effectively addressed through a combination of conservative and targeted approaches. By recognizing the signs and seeking professional assistance from a podiatrist, you can achieve a full recovery.

Foot and Ankle Specialist San Antonio | Foot Surgeon

Rest and Modification

Reducing activities that aggravate the pain allows for healing. This might involve temporary activity swaps or using supportive footwear during daily life.

Stretching and Strengthening

Regularly stretching the calf muscles and plantar fascia, along with targeted strengthening exercises, improves flexibility and reduces pain. A physical therapist can design a personalized program.

Ice Therapy

Applying ice packs to the affected area for prescribed durations effectively reduces inflammation.


Custom-made orthotics can provide additional support and improve pressure distribution, promoting healing and preventing recurrence.

Corticosteroid Injections

In some cases, these may be used to reduce inflammation, but they are typically a later intervention after exploring other options first.

Don't let heel pain limit you! Schedule an appointment with Ortho SA's podiatrist for a personalized plantar fasciitis treatment plan and get back to living an active life pain-free.

Foot and Ankle Specialist San Antonio | Foot Surgeon


At Ortho San Antonio, our orthopedic doctors' number one priority is and always has been a patient's complete and total recovery. When it comes to podiatric foot & ankle needs, Ortho San Antonio is always a step above the rest. 

Schedule an appointment with Dr. McCarty or one of our other Foot & Ankle experts today!


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